Monday 19 September 2016


British Journal of Medicine & Medical Research
SCIENCEDOMAIN international
Article · July 2016
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Retrieved on: 20 August 2016
Oil palm is the most important product from Nigeria that has helped to change the scenario of its agriculture and economy. Lignocellulosic biomass which is produced from the oil palm industries includes oil palm trunks (OPT), oil palm fronds (OPF), empty fruit bunches (EFB), and palm pressed fibres (PPF), palm shells and palm oil mill effluent (POME). However, the presence of these oil palm wastes has created a major disposal problem. The fundamental principles of waste management are to minimise and recycle the waste, recover the energy and finally dispose the waste. Oil palm industry generates a large quantity of residues and wastes in form of empty fruit bunch, palm kernel shells, trunk of the plant, fibre, leaves and others. When palm oil is extracted and processed, it also produces effluents with high organic matter, suspended matter and oil and grease. These waste cause ecosystem degradation and affects health of the communities. Palm oil waste contributes to Green House Gases (GHG) and conversion to energy is a good means of obtaining carbon credit facility for sustainable management. Palm oil is a basic source of income for many farmers in south, East Asia; it is locally used as cooking oil exported for use in many boifuel. It is a valuable economic crop and provides a source of employment.

1.0                                                              INTRODUCTION
In recent years, environmental degradation and energy are some of the major challenges facing sustainability. The developed nations are striving for a cleaner, sustainable and environmentally friendly atmosphere. However, developing nations like Nigeria, though have joined the league of countries searching for alternative and sustainable energy resources, Izah (2013), but environmental wise is poor due to emission that is generated by many production/ manufacturing sectors. Though several environmental agencies exist but most of their activities and streamlined in the oil gas activities.
The Nigeria bio energy / bio fuel industry is challenged by poor technologies and infrastructural resources, inadequate policy and feedstocks. During production processes in virtually all sector, energy is required in various forms including manual (human energy), (Ohimain, 2014; Izah, 2014), electrical and thermal energy resources. Human energy resources has been widely utilized but it often go unreported Ohimain (2014), electrical energy which is utilized in various forms including household, telecommunication and manufacturing sector is epileptic and poor quality.
According to (Ikeme, and Ebohon, 2005) about 40-45% of the Nigeria populace is connected to the national grid. Despite this low electricity supply, it is characterized by frequent black and brown out. These challenges is caused by slow growth in generation capacity, market deregulation process intrusion by government, electrical transmission lines and distribution equipment vandalism, poor maintenance of existing electrical facilities, corruption (Olugbenga, 2013), lack of original power generation technology, use of old infrastructure and challenges in the transmission destruction sector (Fadare, 2009).
According to (sundal et al; 2013), energy is the key determinants of growth and development of the economy. Energy is a critical resources in the manufacturing industries (Fadare, 2009), production and transportation sector (Olumain, 2013; and Izah, 2014). Energy utilization is a vital determinant in the overall cost of production processes (Olumain, 2009 and Sunday et al; 2013). However, thermal energy resources have been widely utilized especially in rural areas in the form of cooking fuel wood and manufacturing activities like oil palm processing.
Thermal energy are mostly produced from biomass either plant and grasses with high calorific value such as sugar cane bagasses (16:46-18. 10MJ/Kg) (Sugumaran, 2009; Seshadri, 2009 and Tiwari, 2013). Forest wood 10.17-22.03MJ/kg (Fuwape, 2009). In processing activities like oil palm processing, its processing solid wastes have been utilized as boilers fuel due to its high energy content (Olumain, 2014 and Izah 2013). Yet the thermal energy contribution report from the processing of palm oil mills in Nigeria is scarce in literature.              
Basically, oil palm processing is one of the local businesses that have generated employment to several families especially in rural areas in Nigeria (Olumain 2012 and Emeti, 2014), oil palm provinces. According to (Nwaugo et al; 2008) and Olumain et al; 2013) oil palm are found in southern Nigeria in both wild and plantations.
During oil palm processing three major wastes streams are generated in different zones of processing in enormous quantity. For instance empty fruit bunch (ETF) is produced during threshing, palm press fibre (PPF) is generated during fibre separation after palm oil extraction. Palm kernel shell (PKS) is produced during kernel recovery from the nut and chaff is recovered during sieving activity (Olumain 2013; Oyedeji, 2013 and Izah, 2014). Other wastes streams generated are liquid either palm oil mill effluents, and gaseous emissions (Olumain, 2013; and Izah, 2013). Nigeria being the fifth largest producers of palm oil accounting for about 1.5%(930,000 metric tonnes) of the global output, generates million tonnes of palm oil processing solid and liquid wastes(Olumain, 2013;Izal, 2013).
The solid waste is used as boilers fuel in palm oil mills (Olumain, 2013; ubabuike, 2013; prasertsan, 1996). In Nigeria their level of Incorporation/use depends on the scale of palm oil processing either smallholder, semi-mechanized and mechanized mills. The Nigeria oil palm Industry are dominated by smallholder processors who harvest from the wild,low yielding variety and small plantation size and processes palm oil using rudimentary equipment (cogeneration system) for oil palm processing.
Biomass waste can be utilized to generated energy and electricity to support palm oil processing activities (Ismail, 2012), thereby helping to dispose part of the waste that are potential environmental degraders. Despite the utilization of palm oil processing solid waste in the processing mills, a significant amounts remains underutilized causing environmental problems in the palm oil mills (Nasrin et al;  2011), stated that power and energy generated from palm oil mills is usually more than sufficient to be used. There are several technologies that enable mills enable mills to generate energy for its consumption and export excess for utilization as electricity and bio fuel. In major oil palm producing countries such as Indonesia, Malaysia, Thailand, the industry is aware of the pollution accompanying palm oil processing and they are determined towards quality and environmental conservation Yusoff (2006) through energy production and bio-valued products. Due to scanty information on thermal energy quantification oil palm processing solid wastes in Nigeria, therefore, the need for this study. The study also suggest means of integrating the surplus biomass into the bio energy projects and other bio-products as a means of advertising the attendant environmental degradation resulting from the pollutant gases emissions from unsustainable combustion of the processing wastes.

In Nigeria, fresh fruit bunch(ETF) production and projections have been estimated in tones by (Olumain and Izah 2014) possible contributions of palm oil mill effluents green house gas emissions in Nigeria(Olumain 2014).
Palm oil (also known as dende oil, from Portuguese) is an edible vegetable oil derived from the mesocarp(reddish pulp)of the fruit of the oil palms ,primarily the African oil palm (Elaeis guineensis),and to a lesser extent from the American oil palm Elaeis olefera and the meripa palm Attalea maripa. (Izal, 2014).
Palm oil is naturally reddish in colour because of a high betacarotene content. It is not to be confused with palm kernel of the same fruit, or coconut oil derived from the kernel of coconut palm(cocos nucifera). The differences are in colour (raw palm kernel oil lacks carotenoids and is not red),and is saturated fat content. Palm mesocarp oil is 41% saturated while palm kernel oil and coconut oil are 81% and 86% saturated fats, respectively. Palm oil is one of the few highly saturated vegetable fats and is semi solid at room temperature. Like most plants based products, palm oil contains very little cholesterol. Palm oil is a common cooking ingredient in the tropical belt of Africa, Southeast Asia and part of Brazil.
Palm kernel shell are the natural pellet and high grade renewable fuel for burning, as received both in co firing with steam coal or burned at biomass power plants, usually blended with other grades of biomass, like wood chips.
During the crude palm oil process, the fruit flesh is melted through a steaming treatment (Fuwape, 1997). The residual nuts are further mechanically crushed to extract the seeds or kernels. The crushed shells are vigin biomass called palm kernel shells (PKS). Palm kernels shell are versatile and have multiple uses, it can be used in its natural form  for fuel at power stations, as a clean alternative to coal, to form activated carbon or to dace roads. We are reducing emissions of EU power of coal, and also promoting and enabling enterprise in developing countries where we source our biomass from (Fuwape and Akindele, 1997).
In a typical palm oil mill, empty fruit bunches are abundantly available as fibrous material of purely biological origin. EFB contains neither chemical nor mineral additives, anddepending on proper handling operations at the mill, it is free from foreign elements such as gravel, nails, wood residue, waste etc. (Ohimain, and Izah, 2014).
However, it is saturated with water due to the biological growth combined with the steam sterilization at the mill since the moisture content in EFB is around 67%, pre-processing is necessary before EFB can be considered as a good fuel.
Palm oil processing also gives rise to highly polluting waste water, known as palm oil mill effluent, which is often discarded in disposal ponds, resulting in the leaching of contaminants that pollute the ground water and soil in the release of methane gas into the atmosphere. POME could be used for biogas production through anaerobic. At many palm oil mills, this process is already in  place to meet water quality standards for industrial effluent; the gas however is flared off (Nwaugo and Inyang ,2008).
Some of the uses of red palm oil include:
Cooking oil: similar to coconut oil, palm oil is resistance to heat compared to other vegetable oils. Its stability also makes it easy to store at room temperature for many months.
Tasty ingredients: palm oil is used as ingredients in soups and sources, or as flavouring in certain dishes.
Dietary supplement: palm oil has a superior nutrient profile that makes it useful for supplementation.
Personal care and household production: palm oil is added to soaps and detergents, cosmetics, and other household products.
Bio fuel: palm oil is fast becoming a resource for biodiesel and as a fuel in electrical stations.
Skin moisturizer: due to its nutrient-dense profile, palm oil is beneficial for skin health. It is added to a number of skin care production.
Sun block: with its high level of carotenes, red palm oil provides protection as a commercial sun block with SPF 15, but without the dangerous components.
The palm oil industry produces large amounts of solid waste from empty fruit bunches (EFB), kernels and fibres, as well as liquid waste, normally referred to as POME (palm oil mill effluent), a liquid waste with a high content of chemical oxygen demand (COD). If not utilized, the waste creates disposal problems. (Izah,  2014).
However, the waste may be turned into valuable fuel through incineration in a boiler, allowing the production of process heat and power for the oil production (captule power and heat production.
Using the palm oil solid waste-EFB crushed kernels and fibres for electricity and steam generation involves the construction of a boiler, a steam turbine and a generation and auxiliary facilities such as a water demineralisation plants, a cooling tower, air pollution control devices and EFB storage yard. In some cases the cooling tower may be replaced by a heat exchanger, allowing the utilisation of waste heat when there is a demand for low temperature process heating (example for drying) or cooling in the area where the palm oil mill is located. Very often such power production replaces captive diesel power generation at plant, thereby reducing greenhouse gas emission. (Izah,  2014).
In order to avoid methane production from the liquid palm oil waste (POME) high concentration for oxygen needed to create aerobic concentration .(Izah, and Ohimain , 2013). The most common way of treating (POME) palm oil mill effluent is to store it in open lagoons (ponds), where the waste sinks to the bottom and release methane into the air. The water will gradually be released into a river, to keep a constant level in the pond. (Ismail, 2012).
Composting palm oil mill effluent is rather simple. The empty fruit bunches are collected and added to the liquid palm oil mill effluent, along with plenty of air, which initiates the composting process. The composting process is completed in 10-12 weeks, depending on temperature, oxygen level, etc at which time the compost can be used as fertilizer at the palm plantation.
2.9                               ENVIRONMENTAL CONSIDERATION
In a well run palm oil mill, it is expected that each 100 tonnes of FFB processed yield 20 to 24 tonnes of crude palm oil and about 4 tonnes of palm kernels. Thus between 72 to 76 percent of the FFB comes out at various stages of the process as waste. (Nasrin et al; 2011).

The solid wastes that result from the milling operations are:
-Empty fruit bunches
-palm fibre, and
- palm kernel shell.
In the large and medium scale mills the above mentioned waste products are all put to economically useful purpose. They could therefore be referred to as by-products rather than waste products.
Wet, empty bunches are partly dried in the sun and later used as fuel. Another economic use for the empty bunches is to return them to the plantation as a mulch to enhance moisture retention and organic matter in the soil.
The palm kernel shell is also used as a source of fuel for boilers. Unfortunately the shell contains silicates that form a scale in the boilers if too much shell is fed to the furnace, thus limiting the amount of shell that can be utilized in the boilers.
Large and medium scale mills produce copious volumes of liquid waste from the sterilizer, clarifying centrifuges and hydro cyclones. This effluent must be treated before discharge to avoid serious environmental pollution.
Liquid waste treatment involves anaerobic fermentation followed by aerobic fermentation in large ponds until the effluent quality is suitable for discharge. In some of the mills the treated effluent is used on the farm as manure and source of water for irrigation. The sludge accumulating in the fermentation ponds is periodically removed and feed to the land.
When it comes to liquid waste management most traditional processors and small scale palm oil processors do not adhere to any environmental protection practices. However in the more organized intermediate technology mills sludge from the clarifying tanks are carried in buckets or rudimentary gulters to sludge pits dug in the nearby bushes. When the sludge pit begins to give off a bad odour the pit is filled in and another one dug for the purpose. Charcoal from the cooking fires is dumped into the pits to absorb some of the adour.
Environmental pollution consideration is small-scale palm oil milling need concentrated attention as this industrial segment assumes greater importance. It is hoped that as more educated people come into the industry they will bring increased awareness and a greater commitment to adopt improved environmental management practices in their operations.
The palm oil industry in Southeast Asia and Africa generates large quantity of biomass wastes whose disposal is a challenging task. Palm kernel shell (ORPKS) is the shell fractions left after the nut has been removed after crushing in the palm oil mill. Kernel shells are a fibrous material and can be easily handled in bulk directly from the product line to the end use. Large and small shell fractions are mixed with dust-like fractions and small fibres.
Palm kernel shells contain residues of palm oil, which account for its slightly higher heating value than average Lignocellulosic biomass. (Ohimain, 2009;  Sunday et al.,  2013).
The palm kernel shells used to be initially dumped in the open thereby impacting the environment negatively without any economic benefit. However, overtime, palm oil mill in south East Asia and elsewhere realized their brilliant properties as a fuel and that they can easily replaced coal as an industrial fuel for generating heat and steam (Sunday et al., 2013).
Nowadays, the primary use of palm kernel shell (PKS) is a boiler fuel supplementing the fibre which is used as primary fuel.  In recent years kernel shells are extensively sold as alternative fuel around the world. Besides selling shells in bulk, there are companies that produce fuel briquettes from shells which may include partial carbonisation of the material to improve the combustion characteristics.
Palm kernel shells have high dry matter content (780% dry matter).
The leading palm oil producers in the world should consider limiting the export of palm kernel shells (PKS) to ensure supplies of the biomass material for renewable energy projects, in order to decrease dependency on fossil fuel.
Southeast, it with its abundant bio energy resources holds a strategic position in the global biomass energy atlas. There is a Southeast Asian country due to plentiful supply of diverse forms of biomass wastes such as agricultural residues, woody biomass, animal wastes, municipal solid waste, etc. The rapid economic growth and industrialization in the region has accelerated the drive to implement the latest waste to energy technologies to tap the unharnessed potential of biomass resources (Ismail, 2012).
In Nigeria oil palm processing solid waste is mainly used as boiler fuel. However, their mode of application differs slightly. The small holder and semi-mechanized processors basically fetch it into the boiler while the mechanized mill used it in a cogeneration system.
The thermal energy utilized for the processing of oil palm in Nigeria is 217943- 3014.31MJ (means 2596.87MJ) (smallholders), 4187.23MJ (semi-mechanized). Ubabuive have reported that mechanized mill utilizes 140KG and 30KG of palm PPK and PKS respectively (Mark, 2010).

In California, waste water that is generated from oil extraction is treated under a 20year-old water recycling program and can be sold to land owners. Selling waste water is particularly appealing to oil companies in light of tightened rules around its disposal and the severe drought that the state has been experiencing since 2011. Using the waste water is good for  water conservation and oil companies bottom line, but the waste water contains oil field contaminants, and toxin concentration and effects are unknown.
Farmers and food processors assume the water they purchase passes health requirement and rely on the decades old monitoring standards. Tests were updated in April to include a broader range of compounds used in oil extraction, including fracing, and a committee has been appointed to determine if the chemicals in oilfield water pose a threat to public health. The current test may not cover all potential toxins from the oil industry, particularly from chemicals used in fracking that may be used without disclosure.
Environmental group water defence, found by actor (Mark Ruffalo, 2010) found high levels of the toxic compounds acetone and methylene chloride in waste water from chevron used for irrigation purpose.
Biogas with methane (CH4) as major gas fraction from the POME could be recovered in the POME treatment facility by changing the anaerobic lagoons to closed/covered digesting ponds or sealed digesting tank.
Electric power therefore is generated via the combustion of the CH4 in the gas turbine (Hambali, 2010). Power generated then is supplied to Sarawak energy. The overall power generation potential from effluent treatment can be estimate based on the calculated methane yield from anaerobic POME treatment. According to Malaysia palm oil board (MPOB), 0.65m3 POME is generated from every processed ton of fresh fruit punch. Composting of biogas from (POME) palm oil mill effluent has been determined as 62.5% methane, 37% carbon dioxide and 1,500 – 3,000 VPPM hydrogen sulphide. The calorific value for the generated biogas is 22,000 KJ/M3. The heating value (average caloric value) of methane was 36.3MJ/M3 at standard condition (Matteson and Jenkins, 2005).
3.0                                                    CONCLUSION
Thermal energy is one of the most utilized energy resources in Nigeria. Basically its produced from fossil fuel and biomass. The thermal energy from biomass is most utilized in palm oil mills contributing significantly to the energy requirements of the mills. However, the use of oil palm processing solid waste for energy generation have gained attention in major oil palm producing nations like Malaysia, Indonesia and Thailand. But, Nigeria despite being 15th largest producers of palm oil in world have not quantified the potential thermal energy utilized in the palm oil mills.
This study estimates the potential thermal energy from palm oil processing solid wastes. The study found out that over 70% of the potential thermal energy from the oil palm biomass is under-utilized. The surplus biomass from the mill is burnt releasing pollutant gases as means of managing them. The study also estimate that 40 – 60% and 85% under – utilized solid waste can be recovered from small holder and semi mechanized/mechanized palm oil mills respectively.
Therefore, we concluded that it can be recovered and utilized in bio energy products and other added value products, as a potential means of preventing environment pollution associated with the current method of managing these solid wastes from palm oil mills in Nigeria.
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